- Create an unobtrusive (or minimal) way of monitoring the application, although in its current state it does not uses aspect technologies and thus requires us to manually inject code to those applicaion components which we want to instrument.
- The utility should be real lightweight so that it could be used at all times to monitor application performance and system health.
- Simple to use. Client code should be able to use the utility in an easy to use way. Figuratively speaking, just place your probes and desired parts of your application and assign a logically comprehend able name to it, that's all!
- User should be able set monitoring preferences.
- Reporting monitoring results.
- Currently the utility monitors the execution times alone but can easily be extended to monitor other metrics like memory, cpu etc.
To improve simplicity, reduce verbosity and hide inner working of the monitor code a facade to the monitor library is provided so all hat client code needs to do is;
public SomeObject theMethodUnderInstrumentation(){This is all that is required by the developer to instrument it's code. Simple isn't it!! The above becomes transparent to the developer in case we use aspects to define our pointcuts to inject a similar code as above.
MonitorFacade facade = MonitorFactory.getFacade();
// do some time consuming task here
It is a common observation that application performance tuning exercise requires an inter disciplinary approach and much is needed to understand the system performance in the right context. It was therefore important to understand the complete execution path under observation. To make this possible Composite pattern is implemented. The intent of composite is to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. The call tree is captured which displays the function execution paths that were traversed in the profiled application. The root of the tree is the entry point into the application or the component. Each function node lists all the functions it called and performance data about those function calls. So to put it crudely composite pattern helped me create the tree structure of application components under observation.
Now that we are ready with the basic infrastructure needed to monitor he code performance at all times the next piece of challenge is to create automated load test and as any one with similar experience will immediately identify that creating automated test cases is not that big a deal but maintaining them over a period of time is.. my next task involves around ways to put intelligence into our load test scripts... I woke up pretty early today .... ;)
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