Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pass maven properties to maven-antrun-plugin


You want to bundle a your application jar files with other software artifacts but as maven names your jar file as magic-app-${project.version}.jar your maven-antrun-plugin fails to pick it up on its own.

This was a persistent irritant as every time we upgraded our applications' version we needed to manually enter the same version name to and only then we can package latest jars for release.

After exploring certain unsatisfactory solution like;
Finally, got some hints from;
Update your pom as shown below to export maven properties to ant build at run time.
                <property name="release.version" value="${project.version}" />                <ant antfile="build.xml" />
 Hope that helps.

Friday, June 15, 2012

SBAs - Search Based Applications

Googling for the above term (as of this day) does not returns quality results. However, if you search for Search Based Applications (SBAs) you will hit a wikipedia entry and certain other articles which have used the similar term. You will even find a book by the same name on Amazon. To sum, it simply means that my thought process is cutting edge ;) ...come on, this is my blog, I can brag!

But, I'm not kidding, the idea in itself is very simple... just use right data-structure(inverted indexes) for read-intensive jobs and it dramatically simplifies your application architecture and brings God sent agility to your deliveries. Let me try to explain that...

In traditional database-centered-applications data stored in relational databases can only be retrieved through SQLs, which is a good thing as it standardizes the information access. However, let us try to contrast them with SBAs;

  • If the desired information is too complicated to derive from the existing data, think query complexity, frequency for the requested information, scalability, while SBAs can process both structured and natural language queries and then provide faceted navigation which allows users to slice-n-dice data in innumerable ways.
  • If the needed query does not exists and as such users will need to wait for the completion of next sprint while in the other case if you have indexed the data, the information is mostly available. Think fast time to market, high agility!
  • Forget mulitple tables, think about a scenario where in you need collate information from multiple data sources read emails, blog entry, cvs, pdf, office documents, simply put if you can groke text SBAs can digest them to seek intelligent information later.

As if it was not enough motivation for us to experiment more with SBAs here is some more;

  • SBAs are more fault tolerant to user queries and can make spelling suggestions, return results for synonymous queries
  • You can integrate your SBA with some statistical based system to identify popular entries or make recommendations using clustering and collaborative filtering
  • You can even filter results which are not suitable for user think access permissions, adult content, exclusively for club members

Mind you all this talk is not just about 'search text box' generated results the usage can be more implicit based on user's context which may be driven by application specific use cases like content browsing.

Today I've just scratched the surface, more later..

Do let me know your queries and feedback.

Friday, June 8, 2012


REALSEX a.k.a REAL eState EXchange

Oh! so you finally ended up being inquisitive.. You Peeping Tom!! Never mind, I was just experimenting with the idea of putting some thing scandalous as the blog title to attract readers.. Gotch Ya! :)

This blog entry is actually about my new found big ticket Startup !dea. Well for those of you who know me might frown.. isn't it? You see for past few days I'm observing that there is rising trend of this particular keyword being thrown upon me from all sides to such an extent that if you ask me to summarize my day today in one word I would say "START-UP".

Allow me to explain, I learnt a tonne about start-up, venture capitalist, incubation, mentor, angel investors at break-fast and then later in the day, all the way to my office I came to learn about Karnataka Government's initiative to bring fresh investments in the state through smiling faces of our CM on roadside-makeshift-hoardings, as if that was not enough my kiddo-colleague declared his next job title is going to be CEO of his new found organization. Wow!

Well I'm trying to scratch the personal itch of identifying a spot for constructing my house in Bangalore, but I discovered that not only it is painstakingly difficult identify properties which are up for sale it is all the more difficult to verify and validate all the meta-data (read ownership, water source, sanitation, future prospects etc.) associated with the property to ascertain its purchase worthiness. One would have to run pillar to post to collect minimal data (read land records) to seek loan from banks however other information as I mentioned above is at best adhoc in nature and is definitely not available at one window.

Real estate portals in its current form cater to information need for availability of properties and related news about Govt. policies (taxation etc) and proposals (read upcoming metro or an IT park) which might affect the property prices in the region. However, it is all left to the user to make intelligent decisions without really providing an avenue to collate this information in a digestible format, so that it becomes difficult for dummies like me to correlate all the information and generate some sort of index which I may use as pointers to make purchase decision say should I go Bangalore North because future lies with 'Aerotropolis' or should I go South because "Kanakpura Road is the new Jaynagar!!"

Would it not be better if we had a single-window-trusted-source-of-information where in we can seek answers to our queries?!

Let us now think about developing one such user platform in a phased manner;

  • Aggregate data available from dependable public sources like rainfall patterns, vegetation, soil type, depth of water table, civic amenities and put them on map after geo-encoding.
  • Create 'event-listeners' to collect data from events like news feeds, user forums, govt plans and establish intelligent correlation with above mentioned slow changing data to determine actionable information. For e.g. Govt. approved a new metro station at 'X' now if you overlap this information water availability in the area on a map it becomes pretty useful isn't it!
  • Create property index. 
  • Rank them for different purposes and ensure environmental sustainability in your recommendations.
  • Cultivate a community of users, information seekers, who would like to learn from your applications' knowledge-base.
  • Create avenues for these user's to provide feedback/contribute to the community. Gamify it.
  • Allow users to publish/search individual property.
  • Motivate users to provide meta-data, like do you have rain-water harvesting in your premises, give them more points for that .. improves value on property index.
  • Suggest corrective actions to improve property ranking, may trigger improvements at a macro -level. Like if citizens in a particular locality identify that improving cleanliness in their locality will fetch better returns for their investments, might as well improve general hygiene in the entire locality.
  • ...
Simply put the platform is required to ensure high quality governance of the eco-system so created.

Now the impatient among you might already want to return from the inception point and see money. OK, let me try my hands in explaining the business plan as well.
  • Free for all, always!
  • Multilevel premium charges for activities like identifying (organic recommendation i.e. no promotions) potential properties, generating reports based on fact (advisories) on identified properties etc.
  • Advertisements
    • Service providers say plumbers or builders
    • Classifieds
Was it too big for an elevator pitch? Nevertheless, it feels good to see light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like God! .. err I must sleep now as I have a job to keep tomorrow in lieu of 'Bharat Bandh'

Do share your feedback, because it is important.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mongodb Paging Item Reader

Here, is a sample..


import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.batch.item.database.AbstractPagingItemReader;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

public class MongodbPagingItemReader<T> extends AbstractPagingItemReader<T> {
  private MongoOperations mongoOperations;
  private QueryContext<T> queryContext;
  private boolean strict;

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory

  protected void doReadPage() {
    if (results == null) {
      results = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<T>();
    } else {
    final List<T> result = mongoOperations.find(
        queryContext.getEntityClassName(), queryContext.getCollectionName());
    if ((getPage() == 0) && result.isEmpty()) {
      if (strict) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "No matching documents found (reader is in 'strict' mode)");
      LOG.warn("No matching documents found");

  protected void doJumpToPage(final int itemIndex) {
    // do nothing

   * @param mongoOperations
   *          the mongoOperations to set
  public void setMongoOperations(final MongoOperations mongoOperations) {
    this.mongoOperations = mongoOperations;

   * @param queryContext
   *          the queryContext to set
  public void setQueryContext(final QueryContext<T> queryContext) {
    this.queryContext = queryContext;

   * @param strict
  public void setStrict(final boolean strict) {
    this.strict = strict;

  public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
    Assert.notNull(mongoOperations, "mongoOperations is null");
    Assert.notNull(queryContext, "queryContext is null");

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hausla Buland

जैसे कंधे पे इक दोस्त का हाथ हो 
जैसे  लफ्ज़ो पे दिल की हर एक बात हो
जैसे आखोँ से चिंता की चिलमन हटे
जैसे मिट जाए हर ग़म कुछ इतना घटे
जैसे राहोँ में सपनो की कलियाँ खिले
जैसे दिल में उजालो के दरिया बहे
जैसे तन-मन कोई गीत गाने लगे
जैसे सोई हुई हिम्मत अंगडाई ले
जैसे जीना ख़ुशी की कहानी लगे
जैसे खुल जाए रस्ते अब तक थे बंद

हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला जैसे आस्मां से हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला जैसे आस्मां से हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद
हौसला हो बुलंद

हो बुलंद.....

कवि -- श्री जावेद अख्तर 

You like to grab your own copy here

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Managed DI for Quartz Jobs With Dependencies

Problem Statement:

Quartz scheduler (v 2.1.3) triggers a job which has its own dependencies which needs to be managed using Spring (3.1.1.RELEASE+)


The Job

public class HttpDealsDownloadJob implements Job {
  public void execute(final JobExecutionContext context)
      throws JobExecutionException {
    final JobDataMap jdm = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();
    final HttpFileDownloader delegate = (HttpFileDownloader) jdm


Spring Context

<bean id="mySchedulerFactoryBean"
<property name="configLocation" value="" />
<property name="jobFactory" ref="springBeanJobFactory" />
<property name="triggers">
<ref bean="myCronTriggerFactoryBean" />
<bean id="springBeanJobFactory"
class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SpringBeanJobFactory" />
<bean id="myCronTriggerFactoryBean"
<property name="cronExpression" value="${my.cron.expression}" />
<property name="jobDetail" ref="myJobDetailFactoryBean" />
<bean id="myJobDetailFactoryBean"
<property name="jobDataAsMap">
<entry key="source.url" value="${}" />
<entry key="job.delegate" value-ref="httpFileDownloader" />
<property name="jobClass"
value="" />
<property name="applicationContextJobDataKey" value="appicationContext" />
<bean id="httpFileDownloader" class="">
             <!-- your dependencies here -->

Wannabe Architect 101

I feel fortunate to be a professional Software Engineer as no other career option would have given me the luxury to contribute in myriad different ways and power to change them for good. But, with power comes responsibility and to conduct one self in graceful manners in adverse situations. Today, I'm going to share some of my first hand experiences working in technical leadership role;
  • you do not have authority - get this straight into your head, as it sets the foundation for our discussion.
  • you have to sell/evangelize your ideas - as you are not a manager you cannot (should not) try to force your ideas/opinions. However, you can evangelize the choice framework/ technology/ language options by providing a working proof of concept (be ready to trash it, if it doesn't works though!). Make note to address people's concerns like difficulty to comprehend the "new" thing or may be to help them appreciate the concerns you have about the existing thing. Remember, any change forces people to come out of their comfort areas. The change you are trying to accommodate must not be intimidating for PEOPLE
  • assert without being blunt - although i have no right to preach this but people who have worked with me be known that I'm very working aggressively on ways to put things in improved context.   Although, I still favor shared objectivity as it helps me focus on task at hand.
  • invest in your relationship - "If someone is strongly disliked, it’s almost irrelevant whether or not she is competent; people won’t want to work with her anyway. By contrast, if someone is liked, his colleagues will seek out every little bit of competence he has to offer."
  • people have short impression and long term memory - use it in your favor - it is never too late to start afresh lead by example, people will copy "as it works" and chances are some of them will eventually appreciate the concepts. You want your team to write unit tests, show them how you have written for some of the components in the current project and then tell them how it helped being productive, rather than the other way around. If you go gaga about DIs and AOPs and FPs  or any other alphabet soup and tell the benefits chances are people won't practice it however if you just do it and others in the team start identifying the improved productivity the smarter ones will copy. Be ready to help them without being preachy or The Guru.. you have created your community of users!!

Top it all be stateless! like one of those web-services which you might design yourself. Do not carry the emotional backlog you created with working with people you cannot stand or plain incompetent. Start afresh, it helps to travel lite.