A lot of time was wasted to resolve the above mentioned error, while I was trying to connect to a remote server using my eclipse IDE in debug mode. Here is the solution;
- Compile your application using '-g' option. This will generate all the debugging related information, including local variables. By default, only line number and source file information is generated.
- Launch a new Java Virtual Machine (VM) with the main class of the application to be debugged. For e.g. Launch a new Java Virtual Machine (VM) with the main class of the application to be debugged. For e.g. $> gt; java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket, server=y, suspend=n, address=8000
Hope that helps.
how I can compile an application using '-g' option in Ubuntu?
$> javac -g
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